12 February 2004

Another question: What about blogs for information gathering? I'm thinking about people we know reading each other's blogs to find out personal information to be angry about, internet "yelling" at each other because of something they said on a blog, etc. It's almost like snooping, except it's public.

I also think about (and by the way I would never do this), how once I was looking at my blog on your laptop for some reason (I think I was downloading Framemaker on my computer), and your personal entries showed up. I of course didn't read them, but it's interesting how a public object (or maybe it's a private object) isn't so public, or private at all. And that's the nature of blogs. They are this amazing intersection between what have long been considered strictly public or private practices. But how private are journals anyway? We archive them in libraries, we read them published as books, we sometimes steal each others' for bribery. Interesting interesting.

I also thought about how if someone stumbled on my personal blog, they could probably find out who I was by either the times I've mentioned the University of Illinois or linked to Shawn or E who mention the town, the University, and other such things often. How many Hannahs are there in the English department? Exactly. And if you know my first name and some of my interests, you can find my blog in 10 links on Google. So how private is it? But then again, how public? Who would want to read it? Are my personal thoughts really of that much interest to people? If I'm unimportant, than so is my blog.


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