27 May 2004


Now, this is super interesting. It is another blog about blogs, and their uses in education. I don't have much time now to comment on it, so I may come back and do that later.

Blog edited collection

Here's one of the articles from the upcoming collection. It seems that blogging has exploded all over the world of writing studies.

06 May 2004

Professors Who Blog Part II

That professors who blog link is super interesting. Also check out this rant about English majors and law school:

The entry is May 6. Wow. Interesting stuff.

It seems that most professors who blog are fed up with academia and looking for an outlet. Also super interesting. I've been thinking of redoing my blogging, giving it a large overhaul, where I do an academic blog for others to read. My personal blog is well, too personal for that. Plus, even I get a little bored with the "today I did...." stuff. But I'm not interested in only griping about academia. I wonder why they are.